Dear Reader,
As I promised you last Sunday, I am back with something new.
But this time, I am not going to write an article, but, going to give the answer of a problem that I faced recently.
Few days before I and my friend were working on a project and he needed to check the IP address of his computer so that he can ping from other PC.
So, like everyone does, he opened cmd and typed "ipconfig", you all know what should be the output:
Something like :
isn't it......
but the output was:
'ipconfig' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file
Now, what to do?????????
This thing was new for both of us, as we never came across such thing.
We started finding the answer and finally we got one, which I would like to share with all of you.
For those who have XP, do the following thing:
-> Right click on My Computer
-> Properties
-> Advaned System Settings.
-> Go to Advanced tab
-> click Environment Variables.
-> In text list under system variables, double click variable named "Path".
-> Add text "C:\Windows;C:\Windows\system32" in variable value.
-> Restart your computer after all done
Now, try ipconfig and see, whether it works or not.
If you still get error its time to try slightly different method:
From the C: drive in DOS, type :
cd Windows\System32
Now try, "ipconfig" command from this location again.
Also make sure that "ipconfig.exe" is located in your c:\windows\system32
For those who have windows 7:
Go to the System Tray (Notification Area, the bottom pane where your start button is there)
Click the Network icon
Click 'Open Network and Sharing Center'
Click the 'Change adapter settings'
Select the connnection for which you'd like to use a static IP.
Right click it and click 'Properties'.
Select 'Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)'
Select 'Use the following IP address':
In the 'IP Address' field, insert the IP you'd like to use.
Note: The IP you use must be within the router's list of acceptable IP addresses. It's usually a list between to
I hope by this your "ipconfig" should start working in cmd. If due to any reason your "ipconfig" is still not working in cmd, please do let me know, i will try to find out the problem and will let you know as soon as possible.
But, I wont let your work stop, there is an alternate method by which you can get all the information that you get from "ifconfig" command in cmd.
Go to the System Tray (Notification Area, the bottom pane where your start button is there)
Click the Network icon
Click 'Open Network and Sharing Center'
Click on the Connection whose detail you want.
A small Window will open, now click on the "Details.." and there you are with all the information.
I hope this post helped you to increase your technical knowledge on computer.
You know when to catch me.
So see you next Sunday, i.e. 29nd April, 2012
Till then take care and make it a nice day.....see you soon.
Parth Anil Varma
(Tech Nuske)
What is subnet mask D: